About us

TenderPlus emanated from EG-adviescentrum *), in 1987 one of the first participants in the Euro Info Centre-network that was created by the Europese Commission. The EIC-network expanded to more than 250 organisations in the EU member states and related countries. In 1997 EG-adviescentrum was the first in The Netherlands to start a tender notification service for companies. In the course of years this service has been extended with consultancy and assistance to help companies to participate in public tenders and workshops.

TenderPlus cooperates with various specialized partners in order to offer a complete service to companies and public authorities on public procurement tendering.

*) EG-adviescentrum informed Dutch SME's about legislation and business opportunities in the internal market of the European Union. The organisation was supported by the European Commission with a yearly financial contribution, permanent training of its staff and assistance in contacts with the civil servants of all departments in Brussels. EG-adviescentrum supported the SME's with advice on business problems related to the EU and national harmonised legislation, international business projects and European funding schemes. On 31 december 2006 EG-adviescentrum stopped its EIC-activities when the network was merged into the new Enterprise Europe Network.
